Material design

Minimal-Zen-Design-2N14-V3Afortunadamente con mucho trabajo, no ha habido tiempo para hacer muchas cosas que siguen pendientes, sin embargo en un momento libre, trabajo la segunda entrega de la serie, con un poco de juego de colores tomados del “Material design” de google. Sigo con la idea de desarrollar GIFs animados sencillos, espero desarrollarlos con las próximas entregas.

Minimal-Zen-Design-2N14-V5Fortunately with tons of work, there has not been enough time to do many things that remain pending, however, in a leisure, I worked the second delivery of this series, also playing with the color palette from Googles Material Design. I continue with the idea of developing simple animated GIFs, hopefully I will develop it with the next ones.

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